Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy:
You will be receiving an order confirmation email after you order successfully placed.
In the United States. We usually provide free shipping in all orders with USPS. If you choose free shipping it may take between 5-8 days depending on the situation
If you need your order to deliver faster you may choose Priority Mail Express at the checkout.
Delivery rates for faster shipping service are calculated in checkout.
International Shipping.
Orders should be paid in U.S currency and is not a free shipping. The purchase item must be paid in full before we ship the merchandise item/s. We are NOT responsible for any duties, taxes, or additional charges that may be charged by Customs for any International deliveries.
The shipment may take between 1-3 weeks depending on the situation.
We suggest you to keep track of the shipment once you receive the tracking number.
Shipping and handling fees are non-refundable
Tracking Order
We use your contact detail from the time you enter your shipping information. Please make sure the shipping information you provided is correct.
Once your order is shipped you will be receiving an email update with the tracking information either of the following couriers (DHL or FEDEX or UPS or USPS).